DutchBiophysics 2017 Veldhoven



NH Koningshof in Veldhoven


You are cordially invited to DutchBiophysics 2017, the annual Dutch Meeting on Molecular and Cellular Biophysics, to be held on 2 and 3 October at the NH Koningshof in Veldhoven.


The meeting is a joint event with the Netherlands Society for Microscopy (NVvM,, the Society for Biophysics and Biomedical Technology (, and the Dutch Society of Cell Biology (


Confirmed invited speakers


Keynote speaker:

- Daniel Müller (ETH Zürich)



- Henrik Jönsson  (University of Cambridge)

- Lene Odderschede  (Niels Bohr Institute)

- Samara Reck-Peterson (UC San Diego)

- Pere Roca-Cusachs ( Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia)



- Daniela Kraft (Leiden University)

- Thorben Cordes (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)

- Greg Stephens (Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam)


Goal and scope

The goal of the meeting is to assemble all groups that work on molecular and cellular biophysics, microscopy and biomedical engineering in the Netherlands. The meeting consists of plenary sessions, with invited presentations by (inter)national speakers, and special oral and poster sessions.


Topics include the biophysics of living cells and their membranes, the cytoskeleton, molecular motors, DNA- and RNA-protein interactions, theoretical biophysics, systems biology and networks, photosynthesis, and new developments in light and electron microscopy, imaging and spectroscopy, force probes, (bio)chemical synthesis, nanotechnology and biomedical applications and biomedical engineering. We welcome contributions from researchers studying these topics from an experimental, theoretical or modelling background.


Abstract submission and selection

Participants can submit an abstract for an oral or a poster presentation. The deadlines for the submission of abstracts are:

- for an oral presentation: 29 May 2017, 12.00 hrs (noon)

- for a poster presentation: 25 August 2017, 12.00 hrs (noon)


Please note that submission of an abstract does NOT imply registration for the conference!


Because of the limited number of time slots for oral presentations, the Programme Committee will make a selection from the abstracts submitted for oral presentations.

The result of the selection will be notified to the authors by the end of July. Abstracts submitted but not selected for oral presentation will be transferred as a poster presentation.


You can submit an abstract via this link. This link and more information can also be found on the website


Poster Prize

The Society for Biophysics and Biomedical Technology will sponsor a poster prize for the three best posters, to be selected during the meeting.



The registration deadline is 25 August 2017, 12:00 hrs (noon).


Participation, including hotel accommodation from 2 to 3 October 2017, is free of charge. However, if you fail to show up and you do not cancel your reservation in advance by contacting the conference organisers, you will be charged for the costs ( €200 for two-day participation).


Please note that submission of an abstract does NOT imply registration for the conference!


You can register for the conference via this link. This link and more information can also be found on the website