FOM Projectruimte research grants awarded to Sander Otte (Delft QN/MED) and Chirlmin Joo (Delft BN)


On 17 March 2015, the Executive Board of the FOM Foundation decided to award eight out of 24 proposals in the FOM Projectruimte. Two of these projects concern faculty members at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience in Delft: Quantum Nanoscience/MED dr. Sander Otte and Bionanoscience dr. Chirlmin Joo. Sander Otte's FOM Projectruimte project will be about 'Sub-atomic spin resolution through magnetically functionalized scanning probe tips.' Chirlmin Joo, together with dr. S. Brouns (Wageningen University), will work on 'Deciphering the antiviral genome programming skill of bacteria.' With the grant money, Otte and Joo are able to appoint a postdoc and a PhD student for their Projectruimte projects.

FOM Projectruimte
The Projectruimte is one of FOM's grant instruments to fund physics research. The Projectruimte makes it possible to realize small-scale projects of fundamental research with an innovative character and a demonstrable scientific, industrial or societal urgency. In 2015, FOM has a budget of about 10 million euros for the Projectruimte, of which 3 million euros has been made available within the framework of the Sector Plan Physics and Chemistry.

Further reading
Read the article in TU Delta here. For more information on dr. Sander Otte's work, click here and dr. Chirlmin Joo's work, click here.