Wednesday 18 March; Delft, Mastering your PhD "The smart route to success"



Location: Cultureel Centrum  Mekelweg 10, Delft

Time: 17:30 hrs

- no fee-
The smart route to success

A PhD is a challenge. It takes you into research domains where no man has gone before. Uncharted territory. Exciting but unpredictable. You discover new depths in yourself. And you learn to be creative and resourceful with the unexpected.

Situations arise that you can’t solve overnight: the results are not what you expected, the lab assistants don’t deliver on time, a procedural error forces you to do that experiment all over again, your supervisor can’t spare you the time… Meanwhile, the clock is ticking and the deadlines are looming. You feel the need to go faster but your hastiness does not seem to make things work out.

In collaboration with Promood, Studium Generale organises a monthly series of lectures and debates primarily intended for MA and PHD students. We will cover academic as well as cultural topics, and there will also be the opportunity to socialise over a drink and a snack.

Aletta Wubben is a coach and trainer. She developed training courses for supervisors and PhD-candidates. During the lecture, she will explain what PhD-candidates can gain by ‘slowing down’.