FOM Physics@Veldhoven 2017





Call for abstracts

Abstracts for oral presentations for the parallel sessions or poster presentations can now be submitted here until 9 September 2016, 12.00 hours (noon). Please consider the guidelines below carefully before submitting your abstract(s). 

Abstract guidelines 

Abstracts have to be submitted by the first author. The length of the abstract should not exceed 1.000 characters (incl. spaces) and the title should not exceed 100 characters (incl. spaces). 

The abstract text will not be printed in a book, but will be available both online through the FOM-website and through the conference app. The abstract submission tool allows the inclusion of a hyperlink. 

The focal point of the parallel and poster sessions is the presentation of the work of young researchers. Preference will be given to abstracts by postdocs and PhD candidates. As participation cannot be guaranteed for MSc students, MSc (and BSc) students are not allowed to submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation. 

Parallel session presentations
The programme accommodates about 150 parallel session presentations. Both academic researchers and researchers from the private sector are eligible. A presentation should be attractive for a more or less specialised public (about 125 persons) and have a duration of 12 minutes. 

It is expected that roughly half of the abstracts can be accepted for an oral presentation. We therefore kindly ask the group leader ((work)group leaders and senior staff members with their own group) to point out his or her own priorities in the form 'Prioritering voordrachten'. Even if your group submits only 1 oral abstract, the group leader is requested to fill out the form. You can find the form in the upper right corner of this webpage; please send the completed form to Each group leader is asked to fill out one form for his/her group including all abstract submissions of the group, also if the abstracts are submitted in different themes. The programme committee will do their utmost best to grant the group the desired oral presentations. 

Please note that if your oral presentation is not selected, it will NOT be converted into a poster presentation. It is not allowed to submit similar abstracts for an oral and a poster presentation.

Posters sessions
The programme accommodates about 380 posters. The programme committee wants to prevent making a selection in the abstracts submitted for poster presentations. Therefore we ask you to adhere to these guidelines when submitting abstracts for poster presentations:

- every group is allowed to present at least 1 poster;

- every group is allowed to present a maximum number of posters. This maximum is fixed on half of the total number of PhD's and postdocs in the workgroup. For example, if you have a total number of 8 PhD's and postdocs in your group, your group is allowed to present a maximum of 4 posters. 

The programme committee has chosen the following themes for the parallel sessions and the poster sessions:

  1. Light and matter 
  2. Atomic, molecular and optical physics 
  3. Nanoscience and nanotechnology 
  4. Statistical physics and Soft condensed matter 
  5. Surfaces and interfaces 
  6. Physics of fluids 
  7. Subatomic physics 
  8. Plasma and fusion physics
  9. Strongly correlated systems

The abstract deadline is 9 September 2016, 12.00 hours (noon). 

The deadline for the form 'Prioritering voordrachten' is 9 September 2016, 12.00 hours (noon). 

Please note that submission of an abstract DOES NOT imply registration for the conference. Look at our website later this year for more information about registration. 

Please contact FOM through or by phone at +31 30 600 12 22, if you have any questions or problems with the submission.