The 4th National eScience Symposium is a day-long event where scientists and researchers from different fields meet to discover how digital technology impacts scientific practice:
This annual symposium is an opportunity to meet with researchers (from academia and industry), students, data scientists, scientific administrators, CIOs and CTOs dealing with the challenges and potential of digital technologies; from the humanities to physics and beyond.
The symposium features a plenary session with keynotes from Fernando Pérez (University of California), Ronald Stolk (University of Groningen) and Sally Wyatt (eHumanities KNAW). There will be five parallel thematic sessions (organized with partners):
Smart Energy (SURFsara & Amsterdam Business School)
Sports & eHealth (Leiden Centre of Data Science (LCDS))
Astronomy (ASTRON)
Social (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS))
Data Science (COMMIT2data)
Early Bird tickets are available until 15 July.
Are you dealing with digital technological challenges in your research? Could your research benefit from data science expertise? Our understanding of the Universe, dealing with the challenges of climate change and discovering new energy sources, analyzing population dynamics, or tracking athletes' performances are just a couple of areas where digital technology is being used to enhance scientific research. Digital technology cross-cuts all scientific domains.
Visit the National eScience Symposium to discover how digital technology impacts scientific practice. The National eScience Symposium is a day-long event where you will meet researchers (from academia and industry), students, data scientists, scientific administrators, CIOs and CTOs dealing with the challenges and potential of digital technologies; from the humanities to physics and beyond.