Time: 13:00 hrs
Location: Room G
Dr Neil J Curson, London Centre for Nanotechnology, UCL, UK.
STM studies of dopants in silicon for COMPASSS (Coherent Optical and Microwave Physics for Atomic-Scale Spintronics in Silicon)
COMPASSS is a new five year project to study coherent optical and microwave physics for atomic-scale spintronics in silicon. Based at the London Centre for Nanotechnology, Surrey University and the FELIX free electron laser source near Utrecht, the project spans the fields of nanoscale device fabrication, scanning probe microscopy, modelling, and microwave and THz spectroscopy. The primary goal of the programme is to develop single impurity-derived devices in silicon with functions based on principles from atomic physics – namely those of long-lived quantum states and interactions between them and radiation fields. In this talk I will introduce the COMPASSS project and discuss the issues related to the fabrication of atomic-scale devices and their study with scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) based spectroscopic measurements. Initial characterisation of dopant impurities in silicon is taking place using ion implanted samples and preliminary results demonstrate that cross- section STM is an invaluable tool for the characterisation of such samples, with bismuth implanted in silicon as an example.