Time: 16:00 hrs
Location: Room E, TNW building
Graphene is a crystalline single layer of carbon atoms that can be described as an individual atomic plane extracted from graphite. It is an outstanding new material that promises a wide range of new applications and scientific insights. It is also closely related to carbon nanotubes, fullerenes or graphite, which can be described as rolled-up or stacked graphene sheets. Hence, the graphene structure and its defects are of outstanding interest for the science and applications of these new materials. Static deformations, topological defects, various vacancy configurations or the two-dimensional equivalent of dislocations were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Existing defects in as-synthesized graphene, CVD synthesized graphene, and reduced graphene oxide are analyzed. The formation and evolution of defects under electron irradiation is observed in real time with atomic resolution. High-energy electron irradiation provides a continuous "randomization" of some atoms, which then allows new insights into the complicated bonding behaviour in carbon materials. Further, we show that the charge distribution in graphene defects or other 2-D materials can be analyzed with the aid of high-resolution TEM images.
Dr. Yaroslav M. Blanter
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology Lorentzweg 1 2628CJ Delft, the Netherlands
Ph: +31(15)2786154
FAX: +31(15)2781203