Workshop for managers / PhD supervisors: "How do I look after my team's energy?"





Are you a manager/(PhD) supervisor and do you notice that employees are struggling to keep up their energy now that they have to work from home? Or are you looking for ways to keep your team together? In March, several workshops will be organized around these topics."

On 2 March from 09:00 - 10:30 hrs (Dutch) and on 4 March from 15:00 - 16:30 hrs (English) you can join the workshop "How do I look after my team's energy?" which will give you tips and tools to help team members who are struggling with their energy. 


Experiences of colleagues
Participants of previously organized workshops most value the brief theoretical explanation and then the chance to talk and discuss the issues and best practices with each other. 

Participants also indicate that the sessions inspire and give practical tips on how to maintain contact with your team and promote cohesion within your team.