Observing infrared radiation through a telescope is not as easy as looking at visible light, as extremely high-grade technology and advanced sensors are required. The telescope sensor 'sees' the radiation from space by using something called tunnelling, a phenomenon known in quantum mechanics. Scientists in Delft built a barrier, 2 nm thick, between two superconducting materials. "Electrons cannot normally move through that barrier but if a radiation particle falls from space on to the sensor, an electron in the superconductor gets the proverbial kick up the backside. That electron is then suddenly able to go through the Delft-built nano-wall after all, making use of the energy from the space particle," stated Klapwijk. "By finding out what can and cannot go through our nano-wall, scientists can gain a considerable amount of information about, for example, the rarefied gas clouds in space. It is a fascinating feeling to know that something so extremely small is crucial to research into gigantically large star systems."
The ESA telescope Herschel has three instruments on board. The Delft-built technology is to be found in HIFI, the instrument developed under the supervision of the Netherlands Institute for Space Research SRON. The Kavli Institute of Nanoscience developed the nano-walls (officially, superconducting tunnel junctions) for two of the observation functions of HIFI.
The Herschel space telescope will be launched from French Guyana by means of an Ariane-5 launcher.
More information can be obtained from:
Prof. Teun Klapwijk, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience TU Delft
015-278 5926,
Michel van Baal, media relations officer TU Delft
015 2785454/06 -14015699,