Chirlmin Joo Lab looking for teaching assistants


The Chirlmin Joo lab is looking for students who are interested in participating in Nanobiology Physics 2 as teaching assistants. Physics 2 covers optics and quantum mechanics at the level of a standard first-year physics program. This course will run for two months from September. 

The course has two interactive afternoon sessions per week (Monday and Tuesday  on campus). We are looking for bachelor, master, and PhD students helping with the interactive sessions. 

Additionally, we are looking for postdocs (or PhD students) who can  help students for literature search. If you are acquainted with topic(s) from structural biology, and any other relevant special topics to Physics 2 you will give a guide to a small group of students (2-3) for literature search and a final presentation. 

If you would like to participate, please send an e-mail to C.Joo@tudelft.nl