Every Thursday! Online writing club for ALL early career researchers


The aim

The main purpose of the writing club is to establish a virtual quiet space where people can work on their thesis, papers, articles, grant proposals, coding problems – any work that needs to be done in silence. We will use the so-called pomodoro technique, which means we will work for sessions of 25 minutes without talking, checking emails or phones, followed by a five minute break.The sessions are chaired and structured by the PhD Coach of the LUCL (Leiden University Centre for Linguistics) Katja Lubina. She will also offer advice and feedback on the writing process (problems, motivation, the process itself, etc.).  

What is the writing group about?

  • Creating a long-term working group of writing colleagues
  • Sharing support and motivation
  • Becoming a better writer
  • Sharing a passion for writing
  • Getting actual work done

When will it take place?

The writing group is taking place every Thursday from 9:30 to 12:30. You do not have to attend the entire session, feel free to join whenever you like.
Contact Katja Lubina to receive the link to the MS Teams meeting.