Hot Topics in Quantum Nanoscience - Alain Aspect (Institut d'Optique Graduate School, Université Paris-Saclay): "Landmarks in quantum optics: from photons to atoms"



12.45 - 14.45 hrs


Delft, building 22, Lorentzweg 1, room E


Hot Topics in Quantum Nanoscience

Course Content: Speakers from all over the world will be asked to present pedagogical introductions to their field with an emphasis on basic concepts. Besides such an introductory lecture open for everybody, the participants of this course will have an additional discussion with the speaker discussing a recent paper and the holy grails of the field.

Exemplary topics are topological insulators, mesoscopic quantum gravity, string theory for condensed matter, measurement-based quantum computing, quantum-limited sensors, Majorana Fermions, fast-light with single photons, etc., etc. For an overview of our previous sessions, please click here.

Audience: The tutorial, as a one hour lecture, is open to everybody. A second hour will be reserved as a discussion hour for the registered class of PhD students and postdocs with the lecturer.

Registration: please register for this session by filling in the form in the below.

Preparation: PhD students who have registered for the hot topics course need to prepare for the session by reading the article below (download).

Date: Friday June 30, 2017.

Speaker: Prof. dr. Alain Aspect

Title: "Landmarks in quantum optics: from photons to atoms"

Host: Dr. Simon Gröblacher

Location:  Delft University of Technology, TNW (building 22), Lorentzweg 1, Delft.

Room: TN-lecture room E

Time: 12:45 - 14:45 hrs