Joan van der Waals colloquium - Ronny Thomale: title tba



16:15-17:30 hrs


Leiden: De Sitterzaal (Oort Building)


Van der Waals colloquium by prof.dr. Ronny Thomale from Würzburg University (Germany). Ronny’s group theoretically investigates strongly correlated electron systems, with a focus on the quantum Hall physics, axion electrodynamics and topological states. Title and abstract t.b.a.

The Joan van der Waals colloquium is an ongoing bi-weekly lecture series, organized by LION. As all speakers are instructed to give an accessible lecture for everyone, these lectures aid in getting a broader view of physics. Each colloquium is preceded by an opening act: a PhD student or postdoc from LION and a different field than the invited speaker, to give a 10-min presentation. After the colloquium, there is a chance to meet your colleagues and participate in discussions at the borrel. More information can be found here.