Joint Workshop on Nano-Characterisation



De Witte Vosch, Oudegracht 46, Utrecht


Workshop 4TU.High-Tech Materials together with the Materials Innovation Institute (M2i)

* * P R O G R A M M E * *

To be able to develop novel, high-tech materials for sustainable applications, a thorough understanding of materials on the nanoscale is crucial. This workshop aims to bring together
scientists and industrial partners with interest and expertise on nano-characterisation throughout the different types of materials, techniques and processes for an exchange of ideas and observations.

•    Prof.dr. Holger Schönherr, Physical Chemistry, Universität Siegen
•    Prof. Johan Verbeeck, Physics, University of Antwerp
•    Dr. Michael Herbig, Materials Science of Mechanical Contacts, MPIE
•    Prof.dr. Kobus Kuipers, Quantum Nanoscience, TU Delft
•    Prof.dr. Joris Dik, Materials Science and Engineering, TU Delft
•    Dr. Sissi de Beer, Materials Science and Technology of Polymers, UTwente
•    Hanne van der Kooij MSc., Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter, WUR
•    Dr. Roderick Tas, Self-Organizing Soft Matter, TU/e
• Jacob Hoogenboom, Imaging Physics, TU Delft