Sandra van der Hor is per 1 March 2020 appointed as the new external confidential counsellor of TU Delft.
What is the role of the external confidential counsellor?
The information and correspondence shared or held with the external counsellor is always confidential and will remain anonymous.
In case you have other questions or complaints that do not belong to the external counsellor, Sandra will refer you to the right person or health care service.
“Out of genuine involvement, I like to work with people and organizations that need a listening ear, advice or help. As an external and certified external counsellor, I offer that listening ear. Together we find out if the reporter would like to do something with it, and if so, what the next steps could be.
Preventing is better than curing and that is why prevention always comes first to me. Signalling (early) and tackling psychosocial workloads will - in many cases - prevent serious and long-term problems for employees, employers. And students.
Fortunately, more and more organizations realize that undesirable behaviour and integrity violations occur everywhere now and then. Every organization should ensure a safe workplace where everyone in the organization has a contribution to achieve this result. This requires an open culture where eyes are not being closed for (potential) problems. Respect, care and integrity are personal values to me. People characterize me as accessible, professional, reliable, practical, decisive and driven.”
Sandra van der Hor can be reached by phone at 06-21170603 or by mail via S.vanderHor@tudelft.nl