NWO Physics Projectruimte grant for Leiden PI Tjerk Oosterkamp


The board of NWO Domain Science (ENW) has granted funding for two proposals in the Physics Projectruimte, a granting instrument for small-scale projects that propose innovative fundamental physics research that has a scientific, industrial or social urgency. In this first round of 2018, 14 applications were assessed by NWO.

The following two proposals were granted funding (in alphabetical order by author):

What is a measurement?
Prof. T.H. Oosterkamp (LEI)
Quantum mechanics has shown that small particles can be in several places simultaneously. But, once a measurement is done, particles turn out to be only in one place. Technology may now have advanced to a point where the researchers can try to find out why this is the case.

Building materials from remote-controlled building blocks
Prof. P. Schall (UvA) & Prof. P.G. Bolhuis (UvA)

Active particles are particles that can be 'remote-controlled' by some external force. They show fascinating collective behaviour, reminiscent of swarms of animals. So far, this phenomenon has mostly been studied in the form of fluids. The researchers will now perform the first systematic studies on active solids towards fundamental insights into biology and novel biomaterials and biomedical applications.

About the Physics Projectruimte

The Physics Projectruimte is one of the funding instruments that NWO has for supporting physics research. Until 1 May 2018, researchers could continuously submit proposals to the Physics Projectruimte.

In this first round of 2018, 14 applications were assessed by NWO. Subsequently, 89 applications were received by NWO until the deadline of 1 May 2018. Funding decisions for these proposals are expected in December 2018.

From 1 August 2018 onwards, researchers will be able to submit proposals for innovative and curiosity-driven fundamental research in two new funding instruments for the new NWO Open Competition Domain Science:  one instrument for small-scale projects and investments and one for large-scale projects. This new open competition replaces, among others, the Physics Projectruimte.


For more information about the Physics Projectruimte, please contact Marieke van Santen,  projectruimte-natuurkunde@nwo.nl, 070 349 44 33.

For more information about the NWO Open Competition Domain Science-KLEIN, please contact Margot Snel, enw-klein@nwo.nl, 070 344 07 58.

Source: NWO