Open Science Community Leiden


OSCL is a learning community where Leiden University employees and students learn and talk about open science practices. Example events are Open Science cafés, workshops, and walk-in-hours.

Open science is an umbrella term for an approach to science that aims to make scientific research accessible, reproducible, and freely available to people within and outside of academics. An important goal is to practice science in a transparent way. Open science practices include pre-registration, replication research, sharing data and research tools, open peer-review, publishing open access, uploading preprints and (meta) research about scientific methods.

Anyone who is interested to learn more about Open Science is welcome to join us (you'll get an OSCL member profile and an option to subscribe to the newsletter). 

Do you want to stay informed about our progress without becomming a member? Follow @OSCLeiden or send an email to OSCL@leidenuniv.nl asking, for instance, to be put on the list for the newsletter.