This years scientific symposium has the topic:
“Science for a viable society”
9.00-9.30 Arrival/Coffee/Tea
9.30-9.45 Opening/Welcome by Ans Hekkenberg
9.45-10.10 Felienne Hermans (LIACS): The role of metaphors in programming education
10.10-10.35 Laura Heitman (LACDR): Rethinking drug discovery – novel drug-target concepts as an essential paradigm
10.35-11.05 Coffee/Tea
11.05-11.30 Ellen Cieraad (CML): Bye bye dark sky - effects of light pollution on the environment
11.30-12.00 Martina Huber (LION): Fundamental Research into Neurodegenerative Disease - How Wide is the Gap?
12.00-13.00 lunch
13.00-13.50 Anna Akhmanova (Utrecht University): Regulation of microtubule organisation and dynamics: seeing proteins and drugs in action
13.50-14.15 Yamila Miguel (Observatory): Exoplanets: discovering the nature of strange new worlds
14.15-14.40 Lies Bouwman (LIC): Development of an ethene sensor using copper compounds
14.40-15.10 Coffee/Tea
15.10-15.35 Annemarie Meijer (IBL): Good riddance: fighting tuberculosis by autophagy
15.35-16.00 Vivi Rottschäfer (MI): Mathematics for the brain
16.00-16.15 Johanna Schild (WUR): Perceptions of local water quality: time for women to rule the world?
16.15-16.30 Closure/Good bye by Ans Hekkenberg
16.30-18.00 Drinks
This symposium is free-of-charge.
Please register at: