TechTalks are an initiative by Luris and Leiden Bio Science Park Foundation. Please sign up (free) by e-mail:
Lecture 1: Biocompatibility - Kees Kluft (GBS; moderator)
Medical devices and biotech/nano-products show adverse reactions in the body.
- -- One of the practical answers is to select material with minimal impact
- -- There are blood and plasma tests to evaluate rapid reactions in clotting, inflammation and induction of pain
- -- Further improvement and validation of the test panel may predict better the reactions and help to select artificial materials for minimal effects.
Lecture 2: Blood clotting - Joost Meijers (Sanquin)
Medical device thrombosis costs the U.S. healthcare system an estimated $1 billion annually with over 50,000 deaths per year caused by thromboembolism.
- -- One of the practical answers is to suppress reactions using antithrombotic therapy
- -- Bleeding is a serious side effect of 'old' and 'novel' antithrombotic therapy
- -- There is a new theory how to break the inevitable link between bleeding and thrombosis
- -- Future improvements concern efficacious antithrombotic therapy without side effect of bleeding
Lecture 3: Grow your own blood vessel - Joris Rotmans (LUMC)
A theoretical perfect solution would be to develop our own body material
- -- How to use the human body as in vivo bioreactor ?
- -- The promise of bioincompatible polymers
- -- Blood pressure and flow as the driving force for tissue differentiation
From 17:00 hrs: panel discussion and drinks