Veni grant for Heng Wu


The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded postdoctoral researcher Heng Wu (Casimir researcher at TU Delft) a Veni grant of up to 280,000 euro. These Veni grants will enable the laureates to further develop their own research ideas over the next three years. A total of 188 Veni grants were awarded. Heng Wu received his Veni grant in the field of Exact and Natural Sciences (ENW).

Exploring fundamental mechanism of the nonreciprocal superconductivity using 2D heterostructures
Heng Wu, Quantum Nanoscience department (TU Delft)
Superconductivity, where electrical charges in materials can move without resistance, is typically reciprocal, manifesting forwards and backwards. Recently, nonreciprocal superconductivity was seen in Josephson junctions without applied magnetic field. However, the fundamental mechanism for this driving factor. The researcher will fabricate 2D heterostructures based phenomenon is not fully understood; theorists have proposed that built-in electric polarisation is the Josephson junctions using specific barrier materials and superconductors to test these predictions and reveal the fundamental mechanisms of nonreciprocal superconductivity. This will drive fundamental understanding and enable nonreciprocal superconductivity for next generation technologies.

Read more about this and 16 other Veni grants for TU Delft researchers here.