Vici grant for Nynke Dekker


The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded a Vici grant to bionanotechnologist Nynke Dekker from TU Delft. The amount awarded is €1.5 million.

Living cell

Prof. Nynke Dekker's research interfaces between biology and nanotechnology. Prof. Dekker wants to develop technology that allows researchers to observe individual molecules inside a living cell. One of the future benefits of this study would be to improve our understanding of the DNA copy mechanism, which is relevant for cancer research.


Nynke Dekker has been professor at TU Delft since 2008. She works in the Department of Bionanoscience, part of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience. Prof. Dekker studied atomic physics at Harvard University where she received a PhD in the same field in 2000. She currently works in the field of bionanophysics.

Cover of Nature

Prof. Dekker is a highly successful researcher. To the extent that her study (on the mechanism by which the enzyme topoisomerase removes torque from DNA) made the cover of leading science journal Nature. She also received an NWO Vidi grant for her research programme ‘Molecular Motors Acting on RNA’. Nynke Dekker is a member of The Young Academy of the KNAW, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.


The Vici grants are intended for experienced researchers who have demonstrated successful development of their own line of innovative research and who can act as a coach for young researchers.

Further details

NWO Website