Not only does she excel at her research, she is also active in outreach and started a collaboration outside her own field during her PhD. Yevheniia Cheipesh has been awarded the first prize in the For Women in Science Rising Talent Prize by L’Oreal, UNESCO and the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW) for her outstanding work.
Cheipesh reacts with a humble smile to the news that she has won the first place: ‘I actually kind of forgot about it. Winning is a very nice surprise, it confirms that I am going in the right direction. But it means even more to me to hear the appreciation of my promotor in his recommendation letter.’
Researching the universe at its infancy
‘I am particularly proud of my work on the PTOLEMY project’, says Cheipesh. ‘This project develops an experiment to detect relic neutrinos, which are particles that have been preserved unchanged since seconds after the big bang. It is incredibly challenging to detect them, but if we do, we learn a lot about the very first stage of the universe. As a theoretician, I help to improve the design of the experiment.’
Read more here.
Yevheniia Cheipesh was a Casimir PhD candidate, shared between Leiden (group of prof. Beenakker) and the Quantum Tinkerer group (Anton Akhmarov & Michael Wimmer) at QN in Delft. She defended her thesis titled "Anyonic, cosmic, and chaotic: three faces of Majorana fermions" in November 2022.