Holography Workshop Leuven



KU Leuven


On May 16 2022 we will have a 1-day workshop on Holography in Leuven.
This event will serve the dual purpose of a post-pandemic restart of the
Belgian leg of the Dutch-Belgian holography meetings and a celebration
of the recent recognition of Juan Maldacena with a doctor honoris causa
at KU Leuven. We would like to invite all members of the Dutch-Belgian
hep-th community to participate in this workshop. The workshop will take place at the Irish College in the center of Leuven (Janseniusstraat 1,

The schedule is

10.00 - 11.00 Arrival + coffee/tea

11.00 - 12.00 Thomas Mertens (Gent University): "Some lessons on lower-dimensional gravity models"

12.00 - 13.30 Lunch

13.30 - 14.30 Valentin Reys (KU Leuven): "Large N partition functions, holography, and black holes"

14.30 - 15.30 Juan Maldacena (IAS): "Comments on N=2 supersymmetric extremal black holes from Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity'

15.30 - 16.15 Coffee/tea

16.15 - 17.15 Gui Pimentel (SNS, Pisa): "Differential equations for cosmological correlators"

17.15 - 18.45 Drinks and snacks

Looking forward to seeing you in Leuven next week!