LCN2 Seminar - Subodh Patil: Phases of small worlds - a mean field approach



16:00 - 17:00 hrs


Snellius (Room 407-409), Leiden


LCN2 seminars are organized by the Leiden Complex Networks Network (LCN2). This month's speaker is Subodh Patil from the Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics at Leiden University.

Title: Phases of small worlds - a mean field approach

Abstract: A network is said to have the properties of a small world if a suitably defined average distance between any two nodes is proportional to the logarithm of the number of nodes. In this talk, we present a novel analytic derivation of the small-world properties of Erdös-Renyi networks as well as a two-family stochastic block model that employs a mean field approximation not premised on any underlying network regularity. When applied to the two-family stochastic block model, our mean field approximation maps onto a spin chain combinatorial problem, and in principle extends to more general realizations of network disorder. We aim to conclude with a discussion of possible future directions and applications.

Afterwards there will be drinks in the Foobar.

More info and the link for online (Zoom) attendance can be found here.