The next edition of the national seminar THEP will be on Friday November 12. The program consists of a Nikhef colloquium in the morning, which will be a hybrid event: It can be attended in person as well as online via a webcast. The afternoon session will be virtual only, in a correspondingly slimmed-down format: three presentations of 20 minutes in which new faculty/postdocs introduce themselves.
11.00 -12.00 Nikhef Colloquium - Marta Verwey (UU) -Title TBA
The Nikhef colloquium will take place in room Z011 at CWI/Nikhef. For those who want to follow the colloquium online, a webcast is available at:
14:00 -14:20 Ema Dimastrogiovanni (RUG) - Gravitational waves from inflation
14:20 -14:40 Jay Armas (UvA) - Title TBA
14:40 -15:00 Sander Mooij (EPFL, Nikhef) - On naturalness and UV infinities in QFT
The zoom link for the afternoon session is: