QuTech360 seminar - David Elkouss Coronas: "Theory tools for designing quantum networks"



16:00 hrs


Onlin via Zoom



QuTech360 is a series of seminars for all QuTech divisions where they have the opportunity to build a deep understanding of the topics researched at QuTech.
In each seminar, a quantum expert will guide us through one of the main topics studied in their group.

Biography of Invited Speaker
David Elkouss received a double master's degree in electrical engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and Telecom ParisTech and a Ph.D. in computer science from UPM. His Ph.D. thesis in classical error-correcting codes for the postprocessing of quantum key distribution was awarded the UPM extraordinary dissertation prize. After his Ph.D., he moved to the Universidad Complutense de Madrid to work on quantum Shannon theory. A highlight was the proof that it is necessary to solve an unbounded optimization problem in order to see whether or not a channel has a positive capacity. In 2015, he moved to TU Delft where he was part of the team that performed the first loophole-free Bell experiment. Since 2017, he is an assistant professor at TU Delft.


 The link to the Zoom meeting is