VSF Speakers' corner - Monika Aidelsburger (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich): "Ultracold atoms in optical lattices out-of-equilibrium"



19:30 hrs




Named after the renowned corner of Hyde Park in London, the Speakers' Corner seminars are a platform for everyone who would like to share their research. Do you have a new preprint and want to create an accompanying video lecture or just a cool result you would like to share with the community? Speakers' corner allows you to create, advertise and share your talk via Virtual Science Forum platform. 

The series is hence on a "self-invitation" basis, where you register for giving a talk through the Registration Form and bring your own audience. Every week, an announcement email is sent to the Speakers' Corner mailing list (register here) containing all of the upcoming talks. That way, more potential participants will learn about your talk and may decide to join.

To view the abstracts and register please visit the Speakers' corner page.