Casimir Research School - Leiden University's and Delft University of Technology’s joint research school in physics - brings together over 320 PhD students, 130 postdocs and 100 faculty members. The school's research program is developed by groups at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience in Delft and at the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION). Casimir, established in 2004, is named after Professor Hendrik B.G. Casimir (1909-2000), whose involvement in fundamental physics as well as applied physics left many traces in the Dutch scientific landscape.

Student profiles

Wouter Liefting

Study: MSc’s degree: Nanobiology, TU Delft (The Netherlands). Currently: PhD student at: Beaumont group, Bionanoscience, TU Delft

"Casimir facilitates in both broadening and deepening my scientific awareness by providing interesting and relevant courses for my current research"