The DRSTP PhD Day is an annual fall event organized by members of the PHD Student Council and is part of the educational program for PhD students. The PhD Day is aimed at exchanging ideas, inviting former PHD students to discuss career options, presenting scientific talks and discussing recent trends in theoretical physics. The PhD Day is primarily aimed at PhD AND Master's students.
The program includes 4 physics research talks by PhD students and 3 career oriented talks, a free lunch for participants, a quiz and of course drinks afterwards.
Research talks:
Willem Boon (UU)
Solange Schrijnder van Velzen (UvA/Nikhef)
Elisa Palacino (RUG)
Marco van der Laan (UvA)
Career talks:
Keri Vos (UM)
Huibert het Lam (Rabobank)
Adriaan Rol (Orange Quantum Systems)
Titles/abstracts and timetable will follow shortly.
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