European Subsidy for research quantum transport, Delft University of Technology


Prof. Leo Kouwenhoven of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at the Delft University of Technology, is one of the European researchers who has been granted an ERC Advanced Grant. The ERC Advanced Grant is a subsidy of the European Research Council for experienced researchers who are doing innovative and pioneering research. Expectations are that Kouwenhoven will receive 1.8 million Euro to further extend his research in the field of ‘Quantum opto-electronica’ in the next five years to come.

More information

Leo Kouwenhoven, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, TU Delft, tel: 015 278 6064, e-mail: l.p.kouwenhoven@tudelft.nl  

Wetenschapsvoorlichter TU Delft Ineke Boneschansker, tel: 015 278 8499, e-mail: i.boneschansker@tudelft.nl

More information about the Quantum Transport department can be found on: http://www.ns.tudelft.nl/qt

For more information about ERC grants: http://erc.europa.eu