Five Research projects launched by TU Delft's Faculty of Applied Sciences, supported by grants from the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM)


The Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) has recently pledged a sum of EUR 5.4 million for fifteen research projects. Five of the fifteen research proposals were submitted by TU Delft’s Faculty of Applied Sciences.

The FOM grants, which are part of the Projectruimte (Project Space) programme, may include the financing of postdoctoral positions or trainee research assistantships, and/or a budget for investment and equipment. As a result of these FOM grants, TU Delft has created a number of new positions, including six new trainee research assistantships.

Financial support
These grants will support TU Delft research proposals by Prof. Y. Nazarov (Josephson laser), Prof. G. Bauer (Spin caloritronics), Prof. D. Bouwmeester and Dr R. Hanson (Controlled light-matter interactions in photonic and plasmonic nanostructures), Prof. H. van der Zant (SQUIDs as quantum-limited detectors of mechanical motion) and Prof. N. Dekker (Probing biology's molecular scale using nanotechnology).

Project Space
FOM’s Project Space programme provides grant support of up to EUR 400,000 to small projects involving basic research in physics. In order to qualify, the projects must have an innovative character and should be of demonstrable scientific, industrial or social urgency.

Further details
The full list of fifteen grant-supported proposals can be found here.
Visit FOM's web site for further details.