For PhD students and postdocs in Delft: Delft Career & Counselling Services


The Delft Career & Counselling Services team are all working from home in these COVID times and still offering you our services: (online) open hours and the possibilities for (online) one-on-one consultations, and of course lots of workshops.
They have a brand new training portal, where you can find all descriptions, and the possibility to enroll: https://www.tudelft.nl/en/student/counselling/meet-us/workshops/  If you run into any kind of trouble during that process, please mail us at Careerandcounsellingservices@tudelft.nl, and we will try to solve it for you.

Below, you'll find the workshop schedule for October. They have online consultation hours five days per week, as well as an online e-health tool to manage your mental wellbeing. Have look at https://www.tudelft.nl/en/student/counselling/awareness-self-management/ for the full overview.