Liesbeth Venema, Senior Editor at Nature
"Nature receives over 10.000 submissions every year but publishes only around 800. I will talk about what goes on inside Nature, such as how manuscript editors select papers and how the peer review process is managed. I will also try to give some hints and tips about writing a paper as well as some insight in the wider world of scientific publishing. These are interesting times as many new publishing models are emerging and social media increasingly shape and determine the impact of scientific research."
This workshop deals with topics related to publications and the publication process in context with Nature, such as peer review and scientific writing, etc. Related subjects such as journal impact factor, open science, communication of science and social media will also be discussed. Feel free to bring up your own ideas and discuss them with Liesbeth Venema during this workshop.Please note that later that day, starting at 14:00 hrs, Liesbeth will give a short lecture in Delft as well (Room F in TN building, F105. Only 60 places, so first come, first served). The session in Leiden is more an interactive workshop than a formal lecture; there will be more room for your questions there than there will be in the afternoon session in Delft.
About Liesbeth Venema: Liesbeth Venema studied physics at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and graduated in 1995 after a graduation project on the luminescence of conjugated molecules in the group of Prof. Teun Klapwijk. After that she did her PhD with Prof. Cees Dekker in the Quantum Transport group of Prof. Hans Mooij at the Technische Universiteit Delft. She received her PhD in 1999 with a thesis on STM studies of carbon nanotubes. She was awarded the Minerva Price by FOM in 2000 for the main publication of her thesis work, a study of the electronic wavefunctions in carbon nanotubes published in Science. After obtaining her PhD degree Liesbeth became an editor at Nature publishing group. Currently she's a senior editor at Nature, handling manuscripts mainly in the area of applied physics. She is also an occasional science writer, in the past year, for example, she wrote about nanotechnology for a science blog at the Guardian.