Summer School San Sebastián (Spain) 'Frontiers of Condensed Matter: Nanosciences and Energy'



San Sebastián/Donostia, Spain


The San Sebastián Summer School aims at offering Master and PhD students a training programme in the area of Condensed Matter Physics. It is organized jointly by the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC, Spain), the Ecole Doctorale de Physique de Grenoble (France), the Casimir Research School Delft-Leiden (Netherlands), and the Ecole Doctorale de Physique et d`Astrophysique (PHAST), Lyon (France), in collaboration with the the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe (Germany).

The School will consist of six courses on the following topics:     

  • Topological Phases       
  • Quantum Transport
  • Quantum Information
  • Dissipation and decoherence in quantum mechanics      
  • Strongly-correlated Systems      
  • Nanomechanics

The duration of each course is 3 * 1.5 hours. The courses will be complemented by more specialized research seminars on timely topics.

During the session, there will be plenty of time for informal discussions between participants and lecturers. A poster session will be organized, including a short oral presentation at the beginning of the session enabling the participants to present their research interests to each other.

The school will host 60 participants and is intended for experimentalists and theoreticians. For more information, please check the DIPC website.