Requirements Casimir Pre-Phd track

Students who want to participate in the Casimir Pre-PhD track -and have been admitted to the Physics Master by either the Faculty’s or University’s Board of Admissions already- should have obtained their BSc-diploma within four years. In order to get accepted into the Casimir Pre-PhD track, the student must contact the Leiden or Delft Casimir track coordinator prior to the start of the first semester of their MSc program. The student composes a study program for the four semesters, consisting of several compulsory courses, and a set of courses that are part of the foundational list, the topical list or the methods list as mentioned in the study guide of either Delft or Leiden. After approval of the proposed study program by the Casimir track coordinator, the student is ready to start in the Casimir Pre-PhD track.

After the first study semester, and also regularly later on, the Casimir Pre-PhD track coordinator will evaluate the student’s progress. If it appears that the student is behind schedule and/or the results show that the student’s average grade for the MSc exams taken is < 7.5, the Casimir track coordinator will discuss with the student whether or not he/she can proceed in the Casimir Pre-PhD track. When the student cannot continue in the Pre-PhD track, he or she will continue in the regular Master Applied Physics (Delft) or Master of Physics (Leiden) program.